‘Thor 3 The Dark World Sequel’ Depends On The Fans – Marvel President; Thanos Is The End Boss Of The Marvel Movies; Will Vin Diesel Play Him?

In an interview with Kevin Feige, the Marvel Studios President, we learn about Marvel's upcoming movies.

Fan response is very important for Marvel. Not just for the money side (it seems like a given for them) but they want to maintain the continuity of the stories as well as retain the integrity of the characters from the comics.

Despite the reports on Chris Hemsworth being signed on for multiple Thor movies, the Feige is hesitant to confirm anything yet. From the Huffington Post:

"HP: Will we see a "Thor 3"?
Feige: Well, that's up to the audience. But, if people want one, we have ideas for what it can be. That's for sure."

Possible Spoilers up ahead!

"HP: I would assume it would have something to do with the last scene of the movie?
Feige: [Laughs] That certainly seems to tee us up for an exciting story, yes."

In a separate interview Feige had with IGN, he also hints that viewership will dictate Thor 3. When asked about when we will see Loki again (He will not be in "Avengers Age Of Ultron")?

"Yeah, I don't think it would be before Thor 3 if there is a Thor 3 and while we certainly have ideas of where we would like that to go, there are no specifics. We have to see how this one does and then go from there."

When will Thanos appear? Since he was teased in the Avengers' credits a year ago, we have yet to see him. The Huffpost has a theory and tries to confirm it with Kevin Feige:

"HP:So, I have a theory. Is the reason Thanos isn't the villain in the second "Avengers" movie is because he's kind of the end boss in a video game? As in, where would you go after him?
Feaige: That's .... we never thought of it exactly like that, but I'd say that's a fair analogy, yes. It's also, you look at some classic story lines in the comics and they tease out characters like that -- big bads like that -- for sometimes years. I think Walter Simonson was teasing Surter for years before he popped up. It's fun to have the luxury to build somebody up like that."

How long will the build-up take? There is a strong suspicion that Thanos will appear in Guardians of the Galaxy, and that Vin Diesel hinted that he has a 'more significant role' in a 2016 Marvel Production. Will that production be the start of filming for Avengers 3, with Thanos as the Villain played by Vin Diesel?

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