'Once Upon A Time' Season 3 Episode 5 RECAP: Hook's Story Before Becoming A Pirate Revealed In 'Good Form'

In 'Once Upon a Time' Season 3 Episode 5 entitled 'Good Form', viewers got the chance to see how Captain transitioned from an idealistic man to the sea's most terrifying pirate. As Emma and the gang continues their search for Henry, the episode reveals a young Hook embarked on a journey to Neverland with his brother. They have been sent by their King to search for an exceptional plant that could grant cure to any form of illnesses.

Hook's brother eventually found the plant: a Dream Shade which literally translates to a fatal thorn bush. Not knowing the danger brought by the bush, Hook's brother assured him that it was safe. However, he accidentally cut himself which led to his death. Pan offers to help Hook but hints that magic always comes with a price. Pan says that the only aid for his brother is water that comes from Neverland's healing spring. Once one drinks such water, he should stay in Neverland for eternity because attempting to leave will deem the magic ineffective. Hook takes the cure for his brother but as they flew back home, his brother died in his arms. The traumatizing occurrence turned Hook into a vengeful pirate.

After the flashback, it is shown that Pan is attempting to convince Henry that he is a "lost boy" while having Neal trapped in a cage. Emma, Regina, and Snow had no choice but to capture one of the "lost boys" hoping that they would get information. Henry is having difficulty believing that his family is currently in Neverland.

As Prince Charming and Hook continues to search for a device that can save Henry, Hook cures the thorn bush-affected Prince Charming with the same water that saved his brother. Knowing that he will not have the chance to leave Neverland again, Charming strives to make Hook change his old ways. When they got back to the camp with the girls, Hook earned the respect of the crew. Emma and Hook surprisingly confirm their feelings for each other through a kiss.

'Once Upon a Time' Season 3 Episode 5 ends with Pan threatening Hook to tell Emma about Neal's location. If he will not do so, then he will lose Emma. What will Hook do?

The sixth episode will be equally exciting as the world's most loved mermaid, Ariel, joins the magical crew. However, Ariel is not completely safe for the horrifying Ursula is out to get her.

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