Windows 8.1 Release Marks The Beginning Of Microsoft's Success In Platform, Market Share Now Approaches 10%

The Windows 8.1 release was just a couple of weeks back, but reports are now saying that it has been doing great in persuading Windows users to upgrade. 

According to BGR, Net Applications report that the adoption rates for Windows 8.1 is already at 1.72% of total computer usage, and it was released just two weeks ago. 

Together, Windows 8 and 8.1 users have already reached 9.25 percent, a big improvement for Microsoft. Last quarter, Windows 8 adoption rates struggled against Windows 7 and XP, but it might just be due to the fact that consumers were waiting for the Windows 8.1 release. 

While the latest Windows version is far from perfect, it is certainly a great improvement from the nightmares of the initial release. The Start button was revived, multi-tasking has been improved, and more functions have been added. 

Hopefully, Microsoft sustains its momentum coming into the holiday season. 

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