Deadly Brazilian Wandering Spiders Found In Bananas Bought From Sainsbury London Store Scares British Housewife; Supermarket Fined £2,800

Deadly Brazilian spiders were thriving in bananas that Londoner Consi Taylor had bought from her local Sainsbury store. As she sat nibbling on one of the bananas, she spotted a few tiny dark spots on the fruit peel.

At first, she thought it was mould but was scared to her wits' end to find that the drops were spiders that quickly dropped to the carpet and scurried around in all directions.

She took the infected bananas back to the Sainsbury store, which offered £10 as compensation for ruined fruit she had picked up for £1. However, Mrs. Taylor insisted on sending the pictures of the creatures to pest control experts.

They identified the insects as deadly Brazilian spiders, scientific name ''phoneutria nigriventer', where 'phoneutria' means 'murderess.'

Though she had cleaned the carpet and floor with anti-bacterial solution, Mrs. Taylor had to shift to a Hotel with her husband and two kids, while the pest control agency fumigated her house to remove all traces of the venomous spider.

A Sainsbury spokesperson apologized for the incident and said that it was a rarity because the UK climate is ill-suited to Brazilian wandering spiders. Ranked amongst the most poisonous and harmful arachnids around the world, the Brazilian species needs warm and humid climate to thrive.

In addition to the apology, Sainsbury also incurred the cost of fumigation and three-day hotel expenses of Taylor family along with compensation for wrong and harmful product. The total compensation amounted to  £2,800, according to Daily Mail.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Taylor has become all the more paranoid about spiders, confessing that now they simply kill any spider that they see in her house. Earlier, she and family used to shoo them out of the house in a benign manner, but no more!

As for her love for bananas, Mrs. Consi Taylor now 'makes her husband buy them' for her. 

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