Conan O’Brien Show To Incur $25,000 Penalty From FCC Because Of The Emergency Alert Tones Promo To Advertise Jack Black’s Appearance On The Show

The Federal Communications Commission will impose a $25,000 fine to Turner Broadcasting System, due to the advertisement made by the Conan O'Brien Show that used emergency alert tones to publicize Jack Black's appearance on the TV show last April 26, 2012.

The FCC aid that the show's inappropriate usage of audio advertisement that resembled like a real national emergency warning has gained complains from viewers since 2012.

Robert H. Ratcliffe, bureau's acting chief, has issued a statement regarding the matter, saying:

"There has been a recent spike in consumer complaints about misuse of the sounds." "Today's enforcement action sends a strong message: the FCC will not tolerate misuse or abuse of the Emergency Alert System."

The bureau prohibited TV stations from using or simulating sounds of the Emergency Alert System when there is no emergency or not authorized by the FCC. The alert system is used to warn the people from incoming national disasters such as floods, tornadoes and other kinds of emergencies.

According to Robert Ratcliffe, the bureau "will not tolerate" such acts saying, "It is inexcusable to trivialize the sounds specifically used to notify viewers of the dangers of an incoming tornado or to alert them to be on the lookout for a kidnapped child, merely to advertise a talk show or a clothing store."

"This activity not only undermines the very purpose of a unique set of emergency alert signals, but is a clear violation of the law," he added.

The cable station has yet to comment on the issue, but according to the documents it filed with FCC, it claimed that the said promotion was made in a tight timeframe, thus not being able to submit the it for review. The company added, that since the incident all promotions for the show has been going through standards and practices review.

On other note, TBS can still file a dispute against the penalty as it is yet to be finalized.

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