'Once Upon a Time' Season 3 Episode 7 Spoilers: Ariel's Life Is In Danger While Snow And Charming's Future Appears To Be Grim In 'Dark Hollow'

Last week in 'Once Upon a Time' Season 3 Episode 6, Regina mentored Emma with regards to using the magic that she innately possesses. Emma continues her journey to search for Neal with her parents, Snow and Charming, and Hook. 

Hook finally had the guts to confess his feelings for Emma and the two ended up kissing. Snow wants another baby and Charming, who has been cured by the spring's healing water, will have to accept his fate and never leave Neverland. This revelation makes Snow furious.

Ariel was likewise introduced last week whose destiny was ruined by the Evil Queen. Regina asks for Ariel's help and lures her by telling her that she will be able to use her legs and finally reunite with her beloved Prince Eric.

For 'Once Upon a Time' Episode 7, Belle, the Blue Fairy, Grumpy, and the rest of Enchanted Forest's creature are waiting for Snow, Emma, and Henry. Ariel will be sent by Regina to search for something that Rumple owns in his shop. This particular thing, as they claim, will help them in killing the stealthy Peter Pan. 

Belle and Storybrooke's inhabitants help Ariel in her search. However, danger is coming since two men are in Storybrooke to prevent Ariel from locating the enchanted murder weapon. In the promotional video, an unidentified assailant is pointing a gun to Ariel and Belle's heads. Can they be saved by the dwarves?

Emma and Snow figure out that they can follow Peter Pan's shadow. Such shadow is the evil spirit Pan makes use of in executing his horrifying plans.

Will Pan be successfully stopped from bringing further evil to Neverland? Another thing that bothers viewers is Snow and Charming's fate. Now that Charming is bound to be in Neverland for eternity, can true love still conquer everything?

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