Watch The Nintendo Direct Live Stream: 3DS Software Updates News Expected!

The newest edition of Nintendo Direct is just minutes away, and fans can watch the live stream now to see the latest news by Nintendo.

According to Gamespot, this Nintendo Direct should address the expected 3DS software updates that are expected to be released in early 2014.

Although no prominent titles have been confirmed to be featured in this Nintendo Direct, some possible topics of conversation include The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Mario Gold World Tour, Super Smash Bros., Bravely Default: Flying Fairy, and Yoshi's New Island.

Check out the Nintendo Direct live stream right now.

Currently over five thousand viewers are keeping their computers glued to the Nintendo Direct live stream, and fans are theorizing on what could be announced this time around.

"I think that a new Fire Emblem will be announced," predicts R-Moss.

"New Smash character is definitely on the table, but I wouldn't bet on it," adds Dandalf00.

Watch the live stream and comment below!

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