Star Wars Episode 7 Cast: Samuel L Jackson, Mark Hamill and Ewan McGregor Out Of The Picture? – Abrams Hasn’t Contacted Any Of The Original Cast Members Yet

Star Wars Episode 7 cast rumors are circulating and the return of its original members is something that people have been talking about, but since the original writing job was replaced by J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan the possibility of the original cast returning to the 7th episode of the pulp fiction is slim.

 As told by the former Jedi Samuel L. Jackson, he was able to speak to Mark Hamill about returning as Luke Skywalker in the project but Hamill reveals that Abrams hasn't contacted him yet.

 The revelation of Jackson happened during his appearance at "The Late Show with David Letterman," where he confirmed that he is not involved in the making of the Star Wars Episode 7. He also said that Hamill told him that Abrams made no contact or whatsoever regarding the project. Ewan McGregor who played the young Obi-Wan Kenobi hasn't been contacted by Abrams either. Not at the moment at least.

 Kathleen Kennedy, Star Wars' new producer, allegedly confirms the return of Hamill for the franchise, with rumors circulating that he is now on training to return for the project.

 It is obvious that Abrams and the makers of Star Wars Episode 7 do not prioritize the return of Hamill despite him suggesting that he is available to return for the project. With all the changes happened that has happened with the making of the first episode of the new series word has it that they have to be quick in making decisions for the project in order to meet the scheduled release date on Dec. 18, 2015.

 "So I was thinking, maybe all three of us could just get together and go over to the Star Wars set and just stand around and see if maybe they could use some old Jedi!," Jackson pertaining to Hamill and McGregor. "And then I heard on television they were auditioning people for Star Wars and I said, 'Well, maybe we should just go through the auditions and see if we can get a job!'"

 Jackson revealed how eager he was to star in the Star Wars Episode 7 cast saying, "I pretty much hinted to JJ that I wanted to be in the film at George Lucas' wedding, and he was kinda like, 'Mmm', that was about the most I got out of him."

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Star Wars Casting
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Samuel L. Jackson
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