Ohio Killer Wants to Donate His Organs; Or Is it A Plot To Escape Prison? These Movies Tell You Why (Video)

A man sits on death row in Ohio. He's a killer, sure. He's done some really really bad things. Now that they're fixing to shoot a lethal drug mix into his veins, he's having some second thought about the bad things he's done. He wants to give something back to community. Something personal. He wants to donate his organs. This is a way for him to live on.

Ohio's not buying it. Sure, this guy wants to live on, but it's not an attempt to do good in his final act on earth. He wants to live on. They saw this in movies. And not just in horror movies. There was that Jesus movie, "Jesus of Montreal." That Jesus didn't live on in the hearts of man, he lived on in a man's heart. Jesus of Montreal donated his organs and those organs lived on.

Forget about Repo Men, those guys that harvest organs for quick cash, think "Pumpkinhead." Ol Doc Frazier made a cottage industry out of it. This Ohio killer could be the next Pumpkinhead.

Okay, remember "The Sopranos," the movie that Christopher was making, "Cleaver"? The story of a wise guy with big dreams? They chopped his big dreams into tiny pieces and left them at different stops on the same garbage line. When all the pickups were done he wound up at the same dump. He pulled himself together and let loose on his old boss.

Or think small. Remember "The Hand"? Not many people do, but Oliver Stone wrote it, so it will never really go away. Michael Caine loses a hand in a car accident and he gets a new one from a guy on death row. That hand has a mind, not of its own, but of the murderer.

40-year-old Ronald Phillips wanted to donate his organs to his ailing mother and sisters. Just like Will Smith in "Seven Pounds." If that doesn't scream accessory after the fact I don't know what does.

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