John Park's New Mini-Album Receives Compliments

John Park's new album, Knock, is earning its support not only from the fans, but also from the fellow artists.

Starting with Jeong Jae-Hyung, many artists have been mentioning about John Park's new songs on their Twitter. Jeong Jae-Hyung complimented John Park's "That Song" saying that this song has been repeated infinitely in the car. Also, Lyn expressed her favorable feelings saying that listening to his album has been so joyful lately. Min-Ah from Girl's Day said that she was not able to fall asleep because of John Park's sweetness from the his song, "It's not this."

After releasing his first album on the 22nd, John Park has been recognized by his high quality album where all of the songs have been listed on top ten of every music charts. Many critiques acclaimed that even though his songs are part of the current music trend, they still portray their own unique colors thus attracting many listeners.

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John Park
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