Lee Teuk Gets Shot By a Missile?

A video of Super Junior's Leeteuk and the explosion of a missile synthesized by a computer was revealed, bringing laughter to the fans.

On the 1st, ShinDong of Super Junior posted on his me2day the video under the title 'Leeteuk Missile'.

In the video is a missile being shot at Leeteuk who is runnig away from it. They used computer graphics to add flames, making it look even more real.

When the missile exploded, Leeteuk put both of his hands up in the air, making it look like he was really shot. Fans viewing this video could not hold in their laughter.

Netizens who saw the video commented, "I wonder if Leeteuk survived", "He should act, his reactions are the best", "This is why I can't stop loving Super Junior", and "I wonder who shot the missile".

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