Lee Hyori hits her peak at age 34

Lee Hyori. The name itself can be regarded as a brand since it can effortlessly induce people to think of, well, her. Her irreplaceable and inimitable charms have allowed Hyori to maintain her popularity for over a decade. She's honest, sexy, down-to-earth but those words aren't enough to describe her. And the passing of time seem to only add to her truly loveable character which leads people to conclude that at age 34, she has indeed hit the peak of her career.

Recently, a picture of her 'fatness' circulated online under the title "Hyori's muffin top." The comments and the picture were harsh enough to upset any woman. But Hyori simply tweeted "saggy skin and fat are inevitable with age. And I'm thankful that people aren't poking at something worse about me." This honest response was enough to not only calm the commotion but woo popular support.

Also, for the first time after her celebrity debut, she has acknowledged her relationship status. Previously, she had been loath to reveal her private life but she has started to open up more and more especially through tweeter.

Then, there's her inimitable sense of humor. Her recent appearance in the show "Happy Together 3" was a sensation among viewers who claimed that she was so entertaining. The thing about her is that she can distinguish between the fine lines of honesty and over exposure: she knows just how much she has to show in order to win the people's hearts without offending them.

At age 34, she is still sexy and beautiful. But at this age, it is her honesty, 'wise' sense of humor and discretion that truly make her shine. 

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Lee Hyori
muffin top
sense of humor
Happy Together 3
