Park Sinhye Going to School in the Rain

On March 6 on her Twitter Park Sinhye posted a self camera photo taken on her way to school with a comment.

She wrote, "It is raining, but still good morning! I am heading toward Heukseokdong (where her school, Jungang University is located). I'm afraid it will take another one and a half hour. I'm going to be late. It's hard when I have a class in the morning. What should I do?"

Park Sinhye in the photo is not wearing makeup and looks like an ordinary college student. but her "porcelain skin" catches the eyes of the netizens. Netizens were also impressed with her sincere attitude as a student. Netizens responded, "You are really a college student!" "You started the day so early," "Wow, you work so hard," "I wish I have a friend like you in my college," etc.

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