Donghae's Response to Leeteuk's Scolding "It's Because He Went on so Many Dates"

On the episode aired on March 10 of MBC 'We got married' Donghae accused Leeteuk of having a lot of experience.

During the couple-pairing with Leeteuk and Kang So Ra, unlike Leeteuk who opened doors, secured safety belts, and did other gentleman-like things, Donghae couldn't even lead a conversation with his date.

So before his first date with Eun Seo, Donghae asked So Ra and Leeteuk to be his love coach and help him make up for the mistakes he made during the previous date with Eun Seo.

However, when frustrated with Donghae's awkwardness with first hello, phone conversation, and everything else, Leeteuk commented "just live by yourself!"

During the interview after Leeteuk's scolding, Donghae commented "it's because he went on so many dates himself. How could I know when I didn't?"

To staff's question "Does that mean Leeteuk is a player?” Donghae anwered "well... how else can you know so much", making everyone laugh by implying that Leeteuk is in fact a player.

Photo Credit: MBC

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We Got Married
