Prince Harry Engaged To Cressida Bonas When He Returns From South Pole? Met Girlfriend’s Father Before He Left To ‘Ensure They’re On-board’?

Will Prince Harry and his girlfriend Cressida Bonas get engaged when he returns from the South Pole later this month? Reports reveal that Prince Harry met Cressida Bonas' father before he left on his South Pole journey, leading some to speculate he asked his girlfriend's father for permission to get engaged.

According to Fashion & Style, Grazia magazine reports that Prince Harry, 29, met with Cressida's father before he left for his charity trek in Antarctica to the South Pole. This was the first time he met his girlfriend's father, and the publication suggests Prince Harry met Jeffrey Bonas at Cressida's aunt's house to ask for his permission to get engaged to his girlfriend, while bonding over golf.

"It seems that Harry and Cressida have spoken about marriage, he wanted to do the honorable thing and meet her father to let Jeffrey know his intentions before he went to the South Pole," a source told the magazine.

"It's always scary meeting your girlfriend's father, but Harry knows how close Cressida is to her family," the source said.

"He wants to ensure they're on-board for when they announce an engagement."

"They get on really well and enjoyed a few games of golf. Harry had 'the chat' with Jeffrey and tentatively asked for his daughter's hand in marriage," the source continued.

"Jeffrey gave his blessing for when the time is right."

Though the royal may have Cressida's father's blessing, he doesn't have the same acceptance from the rest of the family.

As we previously reported, Cressida's brother, Jacobi Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe, 30, recently warned Cressida, 24, against marrying into the royal family.

"She's not a tough cookie at all," he said. "She's a very sensitive, sweet girl, all my family are - they're incredible.

"It's challenging, you can't deny it. It's not something that is easy for anyone dating a royal or marrying into the family or anyone in the royal family themselves. I think on some level it is different to any other type of fame.

"It's just an invasion of privacy, which is hard. I mean, there are people who court that, and it's a different mentality. But when you're not, and you have to spend your life hiding from it, I think that becomes very exhausting and quite hard work. And at times ... I think it's a difficult thing, I think it's a very difficult thing."

"It worries me. But you've got to go with life and see how things progress," he said.

Prince Harry should return to London just in time for Christmas. 

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