Fallout 4 Release Date Projected To Be Fall Of 2015: Leaked Script Revives Hope After Website Hoax

Despite the crushing disappointment that was the recent Fallout 4 website hoax, a release date for the Bethesda sequel may be closer than you think.

According to a recent leaked script document obtained by Kotaku, Fallout 4 is definitely in development. Although codenamed "Institute," the document most likely pertains to Fallout 4 and includes pieces of scripts for a cast of characters in a game.

Forbes affirms that the scripts found within the document not only pertains to Fallout 4, but also suggests that the game will be set in Boston, otherwise known as Commonwealth after the nuclear war in the fictional franchise.

To read parts of the document, click here.

This is very positive news, considering the recent hoax which led many to believe that Bethesda would announce Fallout 4 during the most recent VGX gaming awards show.

The elaborate hoax pertains to the website thesurvivor2299.com, which had a countdown timer that led up to VGX. Many fans took this as a legitimate teaser for a Fallout 4 annoucement.

The creator of the elaborate hoax recently spoke up about his actions, saying that "some men just want to watch the world burn."

During a recent Reddit AMA, the hoaxer said he had hoped the website would prompt Bethesda to reveal something, perhaps even a release date, prematurely.

However, with the recent find by Kotaku, it would seem Fallout 4, like most fans know, is definitely in the works. It's just a matter of time before a release date is announced.

Forbes currently theorizes that a release date for Fallout 4 will not be until fall of 2015 at its current stage of development.

What do you think of this recent Fallout 4 document? Is it genuine or another hoax?

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