Matt Smith Documentary Featuring Karen Gillan, Jenna Coleman, Arthur Darvill, Alex Kingston To Air On BBC America Before The 2013 Christmas Special 'The Time Of The Doctor'

The 2013 "Doctor Who" Christmas Special is nearly upon us, and Matt Smith fans will get one more chance to see the actor in the BBC America documentary on the actor!

"Bid the eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, a fond farewell in this hour long retrospective documentary special about "Doctor Who" series five, six and seven - "the Matt Smith Years," says the official synopsis according to Doctor Who TV.

"This compelling documentary, narrated by Alex Kingston ("Doctor Who's" River Song), features highlights from Smith's run with interview footage from the man himself, his cast-mates, writers, producers, guest stars and celebrity Whovians."

Be sure to check out the trailer for this "Doctor Who: Farewell to Matt Smith" documentary.

Reportedly, the documentary will air on December 25 before the 2013 Christmas Special, "The Time of the Doctor." That means BBC America viewers should tune in at 8pm EST.

In the trailer, you can see Karen Gillan (Amy Pond), Arthur Darvill (Rory), Jenna Coleman (Clara), Alex Kingston (River Song), and Steven Moffat paying tribute to Matt Smith during his farewell.

"I'm not crying, no, someone shoved an onion in my eye," wrote Mari Shelbourn on YouTube. "I don't want Matt to leave but I'm ready for Peter."

"Get the tissues ready, Whovians. It's not going to be easy saying goodbye to Matt," added Virginia H.

Are you ready to say goodbye to Matt Smith and welcome Peter Capaldi?

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