Albert And Tommy Manzo Sued By Employee! Real Housewives Of New Jersey Stars Accused Of Racial Sexual And Ethnic Bigotry


Albert And Tommy Manzo are being sued By an employee at their Catering Hall.  Albert Manzo is the husband of RHONJ star Caroline Manzo. Him and his son Tommy are in legal trouble as a waitress named Lanise Jackson has accused the Manzo men of racial, sexual, ethnic and country of origin epithets that were doled out to her everyday. 

The waitress has also decided to sue Albert Manzo for not being  paid time and a half when she worked more than 40 hours per week; well over the amount of time she had agreed with him. After Teresa's 41 charges of fraus is seems like all of The Real Housewives of New Jersey stars are doing sleezy things when the camera stops rollling? 

The lawsuit states that Albert regularly called Jackson and other workers "Spic bitches" and says the Catering Hall owned by the Manzo men, that was routinely filmed on RHONJ, was "filthy," "unhygienic," and "roach infested."

"Are you blind?" Tommy Manzo allegedly yelled at her, Lanise Jackson claimed in court papers. "What are you, Chinese? Open your eyes."

 "The allegations are just horrible," Jackson's lawyer said. 

Not surprisingly, Albert Manzo denies the claims and is fighting back. He announced that he wants to launch a countersuit for defaming him.

"I've never spoken to any employee in that manner," he said. "This is the most insane thing I've ever dealt with. Now I got The Daily News calling me about this, I'm seriously thinking about launching a countersuit. She is defaming me."

"It's almost like she has nothing better to do. I can't wait for this to go to court. She'll be perjuring herself," Caroline's husband added.

Prior to the lawsuit there wre rumors flying that Albert cheats on his wife, Caroline. On the RHONJ reunion Caroline did not denounce the rumors, almost accepting that after a long marriage she wouldn't be surprised if her husband strayed.

Albert himself has also never denied the allegations, making the claims seem more plausible than false.

Caroline has accepted a reality spin-off show with Bravo.

Manzo'd With Children' will star Caroline Manzo, her husband Al, and children Albie, Lauren and Chris. It will feature Caroline as the head of the family and her comical ways of dealing with life and her old-school Italian family.

Albert and Caroline are not the only RHONJ stars with legal problems. Teresa Giudice and her husband are charged with 41 counts of fraud and will face trial in February 2014.

Below is a summary of their charges:

1) Mail Fraud and Wire Fraud: The indictment states that between 2001-2008, using the U.S. mail, private carriers and wire communications, they defrauded 7 different banks and mortgage lenders.

2) Bank Fraud: The indictment states 5 banks were defrauded by submitting applications with false tax returns, pay stubs, and W-2s that gave false salaries and income. In total they stole $4.5 million from various banks.

3) Loan Application Fraud: For making false statements in those bank loan applications

4) Bankruptcy Fraud: Concealment, False Oaths, False Declarations. These are 22 different counts alone. In essence, they lied to the BK courts (under oath) about their finances and they knowingly filed false documents to conceal their income. That's perjury. Tre & Joe never withdrew their bankruptcy, the courts denied their petition on suspicion of fraud.

5) Failure to Make Tax Returns: These counts are all against Joe, and claim he didn't file tax returns from 2004-2008.

 6) Fraud charges fraud stemming from allegations Teresa filed a false application to get a $361k mortgage loan.

Do you think Albert and Tommy Manzo are guilty of treating their staff nastily?

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