Teen Mom Jenelle Evans Pregnant AGAIN! [WATCH VIDEO] 10 Arrests And Neglects First Child! Friends Nervous She's Drinking And Smoking Marijuana During Pregnancy

Jenelle Evans is pregnant again! Doesn't this Teen Mom know how hard it is to be a mother? Evans has no business being pregnant again after she failed to be a good mother the first time around.

Teen Mom Jenelle Evans has not proved herself to be a capable mother in the past. She lost custody of her first child, Jace, to her own mother after struggling with addiction and neglecting her baby boy.

Jenelle had opted for partying and smoking pot with her friends over being a mother during all of 'Teen Mom.'And now that she is preggers again, friends are nervous that Jenelle has not cleaned up her act.

"Jenelle had been drinking in public and everyone around her is worried that she was drinking in the beginning of her pregnancy," one friend said.

But according to RadarOnline, another 'friend' said Jenelle quit marijuana "as soon as she took her pregnancy test."

But though she may have cleaned up her act, she was arrested in the wee hours on December 14th. This is her 3rd arrest in 2013 and 10th arrest in just a few years.

Jenelle was charged with Breach of Peace by North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina police and taken to the police station. She was then released on bail about an hour later.

"Jenelle must have gotten into a fight with her boyfriend, and locked him out of the house," a neighbor told In Touch Weekly.

 "He was banging on the door, and someone must've called the cops. They showed up soon after and Jenelle was originally hesitant to let them in," said the source.

"When she finally opened up, they went inside and next thing you know she was being brought out in handcuffs. Jenelle got arrested because she was mouthy with the officer," another source told HollywoodLife.com

 In April, 2013, Jenelle was arrested for heroin possession and domestic assault.

In August she was arrested for failing a drug test that was part of her probation agreement.

Her latest arrest didn't seem to faze Evans who later tweeted:

"Oh man that was funny."

Actually Jenelle...it isn't funny.

Fellow Teen Mom Farrah Abraham thinks that Jenelle needs a little help in her newest pregnancy. She tweeted:

"I hope she is taking this pregnancy more serious with planning financial security, a stable home and saying goodbye to unproductive actions and saying hello to a better future."

Though The Back Door Teen Mom does have a point, Farrah is in no position to be throwing daggers towards anyone else's parenting methods. Farrah recently was quoted saying about her 4-year-old daughter:

"It's healthy that we have a break. She has her own life and is doing her own thing, and I'm doing mine." Really!?

Farrah also admits that she waxes her baby's eyebrows in her sleep! So maybe the porn star should keep her parenting opinions to herself and spend less time tweeting and more time with her baby.

The feud between these two mothers has been going on for some time. They used to argue, via Twitter, about plastic surgery.

Jenelle tweeted:

"I'm sorry but I can't see Farrah's teeth anymore when she talks, can u? Lmfao. And she just got her teeth done!"

After Farrah's minions quickly wrote that Jenelle had work done as well, opting for bigger boobs on 'Teen Mom,' Jenelle responded:

"That's the ONLY thing fake on me, not my chin, cheeks, lips, teeth, hair, and boobs."

So they both are total hypocrites, slamming each other for things that they are both equally guilty of.

But Farrah does look human these days, morphing into an ugly plastic doll. So on that argument, I take Jenelle's side.

But the pregnancy tweets...point goes to Abraham. Although Farrah is a terrible mother, at least she has only damaged one child so far.

Jenelle is on her way to mess up a second being.

Do you think Janelle is capable of taking care of a second child?

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