iOS 7 Jailbreak News: Taig & Pirate Apps With Apple Jailbreak Concerning; Goal Is To Add Software W/O App Store & Not Steal Someone Else’s Labor By Downloading Pirated Apps

iOS 7 jailbreak news: The newly released jailbreak for Apple’s mobile OS is a cause for concern. According to Forbes, inside the jailbreak is a connection to Taig and that in itself it appeared to be sending data out. Taig also, according to the publication, appears to be carrying pirated apps. Such access with jailbreak misses the point.

The main goal of jailbreaking an iPhone is to allow users to add any software they wish without going through Apple’s App Store. The idea is not for users to download pirated apps, thereby stealing someone else’s labor.

Makers of the jailbreak, known as evad3rs clarified the situation.

“First and foremost, and of utmost concern, is privacy. No one’s data was ever sent anywhere. Of course, as a member of the community whose work frees devices, it would be against everything we’ve worked for the last 7 years to jeopardize the security of the users of our software,” according to evad3rs as posted by Forbes.

“To reiterate, no Taig software was installed unless the computer’s language was set to Chinese. Furthermore, no Taig software would run unless the user opened the Taig application.”

evad3rs also clarified that Taig violated an agreement with them that bars pirated apps. The jailbreak team has since terminated their relationship with Taig but says that the site has put up a cracked version of the jailbreak.

evad3rs statement on piracy and Taig below:

Piracy and Taig
“Our written and verbal agreement with Taig banned it. They assured us it was not in there. We did not check every package in their store but a cursory examination before release found no problems. However, after investigation and after notification from the community, we found examples, including pirated tweaks, Apple App Store apps, and even pod2g’s PodDJ app. We dropped the ball on this. While we at first did not believe Taig purposefully violated our agreement, the depth of the transgression against the software developers and the jailbreak community cannot be overlooked and we could not move forward after that even if it were fixed. We terminated our relationship with them. We are very disappointed that they have decided to put up a cracked version of the jailbreak on their site that installs Taig. We did not give them any permission or source code.”

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