Samsung Galaxy S5 Rumors: New Flagship Could Boast 4GB DDR4 RAM From Samsung, Claimed To Perform Twice As Fast As Current Models

If you have been listing down the various Samsung Galaxy S5 rumors which have surfaced over the past month, then you may have already checked the alleged 64-bit CPU, a revolutionary eye scanner, and a 2K resolution screen. 

While all of these rumors could prove to be true, there are some which have already been scrapped off the rumor mill, one of which include the supposed metal frame for the Galaxy S5. 

Now, as Samsung unveils its newest 20nanometer DDR4 RAM, we could be expecting the upcoming flagship of the Korean manufacturer to be the first smartphone with a 4GB RAM. 

Aside from the higher amount of memory, Samsung claims that this chip can perform processes twice as fast as the DDR3 models, which power most high-end smartphones today. 

To keep things more interesting, the DDR4 chip is also reported to consume up to 40% less power at just 1.1 volts. 

"This next-generation LPDDR4 DRAM will contribute significantly to faster growth of the global mobile DRAM market, which will soon comprise the largest share of the entire DRAM market ", according to Samsung's executive vice president Young-Hyun Jun. 

Furthermore, Samsung hints that the new DDR4 could be used in new devices with UHD screen resolutions. This includes smartphones, tablets, and even laptop computers. 

Let's just keep our fingers crossed that this technology really delivers what it says. 

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