Fallout 4 January 12 Or December 1 Release Date Announcement? Fan Bethesda Petition Gains Over 5 Thousand Signatures

As 2014 begins, a new rumor on the release date for Bethesda sequel Fallout 4 has risen as fan outrage continues.

On Reddit, user Vithren has posted what is allegedly a Fallout 4 announcement image with the date 12.01.14. The image is reportedly sent from the account store@bethsoft.com.

What's interesting is that depending on the format, this could either mean an announcement on January 12, or December 1 of this year.

For those believing the announcement to be on January 12, some outlets like Pocket-Lint believe the announcement could either be a potential release date for Fallout 4, or Skyrim for Xbox One and PS4.

Either way, Bethesda fans (and anti-fans) are keeping their eyes peeled on January 12 in case anything truly newsworthy occurs.

If it is December 1, that means that fans have nearly a year to wait before anything will be confirmed about the long-awaited Fallout 4, and that's only if this image is real.

While Vithren has posted to Bethesda's Twitter account regarding the validity of this email, the company is doing what they do best: Silence.

Which has seemingly upset enough fans that an online petition has been set up demanding Bethesda to release any information on Fallout 4, confirming or denying its existence.

"I believe it's about time Bethesda gives us some hints on Fallout 4. After the Survivor hoax and the *intentionally* leaked Fallout 4 script on Kotaku, we NEED to know if Fallout 4 is being made and whether it will be set in Boston or not," writes Silviu Ploisteanu regarding the petition.

"We do not ask for much; just throw us a bone, tell us you're working on it. If you're thinking the same way that I do, please SIGN this petition."

So far, over 5 thousand signatures has been gathered by this petition.

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