Did you know the meaning of each girl group? Girls' Generation - Wonder Girls - T-ARA

A posting of interpreting the much-loved girl groups is garnering a lot of attention online.

An online community board recently posted an interpretation of popular girl group names, the posting titled ‘Meaning of girl group name’ and explains the hidden meaning of K-Pop girl groups.

Girls’ Generation considered to be the representative of girl group meaning is the time for girls to rule over. Wonder Girls who have gained a lot of popularity through ‘Nobody’ is girls who are to surprise the world. 2NE1 that surprises everyone with their powerful warrior like attitude has meaning of ‘new evolution of 21st century.’

Generally the names of the girl group have meaning that wishes for their future activities to go well. SISTAR is the determination of becoming a big star as an intimate feeling of as sisters, T-ARA was expressed as to become the queen of music industry to wear the crown.

Some girl groups are interpreted literally, After School is just after school, DalShabet is sweet sherbet, Girls Day is literally just as it is women’s day.

Internet users who have seen the interpretation commented, “There is a reason their names are in English,” “I was curious to know the meaning of girl group name.”

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