Girls’ Generation (SNSD) Appointment Ceremony as Ambassadors of Korea Retinitis Pigmentosa Society

Girls’ Generation recently appointed as Ambassadors of Korea Retinitis Pigmentosa Society attended their appointment ceremony.

The Girls’ Generation members that were present are Taeyeon, Tiffany, Seohyun and Sooyoung.

The group decided to become the ambassadors for the organization after hearing that overseas there are many people that have been able to regain their sights through many research however in Korea there aren’t many facilities that support this type of research.

It was also noted that some members of Girls’ Generation have been interested in Retinitis Pigmentosa even before and have been frequently sending funds which garnered a lot of attention as well.

In addition Sooyoung’s father, the president of the organization handed the Girls’ Generation members the letter of appointment.

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