Farrah Abraham Backdoor Teen Mom Update [VIDEO] Slams Jenelle Evans Pregnancy On Twitter!

Farrah Abraham Backdoor Teen Mom Update: Farrah takes time out from being an absent mom, insulting her Couples Therapy cast mates, and denying she made a porn, to insult 17 week pregnant Teen Mom Jenelle Evans on Twitter. Jenelle is due to give birth on June 29th, but her newest child is not welcomed by the Backdoor Teen Mom Farrah Abraham. Farrah has a lot to say about the Jenelle and other stars when she should be spending time with her own child!

Ex Teen mom cast mates, Farrah and Jenelle, have been bad mouthing each other on Twitter for months. But the Backdoor Teen Mom hits way below the belt insulting Jenelle as a mom.  Upon the announcement of Evans second pregnancy on twitter, the BackdoorTeen Mom porn star tweets: "I hope she is taking this pregnancy more serious with planning financial security, a stable home and saying goodbye to unproductive actions and saying hello to a better future." Exactly who does Farrah think she is doling out advice?!

But Farrah wasn't the first one to throw a punch. Jenelle had tweeted about Farrah's 'inhuman' plastic surgery and then called out her 'fake' relationship on VH1 Couples Therapy, but Abraham should not be calling anybody else a bad mom.  The backdoor Teen Mom, that is currently making an ass of herself on Couples Therapy, is a neglectful mother that constantly plays the victim on TV. Though Farrah does have a point, she should pay more attention to her own family and less time on rellity TV and bashing others.

And Farrah was recently quoted saying about her own 4-year-old daughter:

"It's healthy that we have a break. She has her own life and is doing her own thing, and I'm doing mine." Really!? Is she your girlfriend that you can catch up with over cocktails?

Farrah also admits that she waxes her baby's eyebrows in her sleep! So maybe the porn star should keep her parenting opinions to herself and spend less time tweeting and more time with her baby.

And lets not forget that she made a porn movie, which her daughter will eventually grow and watch and be teased about by her peers.

But Jenelle is no angel when it comes to being a mother. She lost custody of her first child, Jace, to her own mother after struggling with addiction and neglecting her baby boy. Jenelle opted for partying and smoking pot with her friends over being a mother during all of 'Teen Mom.'

And now that she is preggers again, friends are nervous that Jenelle has not cleaned up her act.

"Jenelle had been drinking in public and everyone around her is worried that she was drinking in the beginning of her pregnancy," one friend said.

But according to RadarOnline, another 'friend' said Jenelle quit marijuana "as soon as she took her pregnancy test."

The feud between these two mothers has been going on for some time. They used to argue, via Twitter, about plastic surgery.

Jenelle tweeted in November:

"I'm sorry but I can't see Farrah's teeth anymore when she talks, can u? Lmfao. And she just got her teeth done!"

After Farrah's minions quickly wrote that Jenelle had work done as well, opting for bigger boobs on 'Teen Mom,' Jenelle responded:

"That's the ONLY thing fake on me, not my chin, cheeks, lips, teeth, hair, and boobs."

So they both are total hypocrites, slamming each other for things that they are both equally guilty of.

But Farrah does look human these days, morphing into an ugly plastic doll. So on that argument, I take Jenelle's side.

But as for the pregnancy tweets...point goes to Abraham. Although Farrah is a terrible mother, at least she has only damaged one child so far.

Jenelle is on her way to mess up a second being.

Whose side are you on? Farrah or Jenelle?

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