Grammy Awards - Katy Perry Performed 'Satanic' Ritual? 'Dark Horse' Artist Was Christian Singer 'Katy Hudson' Before Turning Her Back On Religion!

Katy Perry performed her song ‘Dark Horse’ at the Grammy Awards. Not a few people noticed that while the artist is always known to test the boundaries, she may have crossed some lines.

The performance had a withcraft/wicca theme and showed Perry and her dancers pole-dancing on broomsticks. However, there were other factors in the performance that caused the outrage: From Christian Today:
“Perry was dressed as a witch and wore a Knights of Templar cross across her chest during the performance. She also pole-danced on a broom, and was finally burned at the stake towards the end of her controversial ensemble on the awards show, which is watched by families across the world.The singer's dark performance shocked many, even prompting E! News to tweet: ”

From Prison “Bridging sports and entertainment, former Alabama quarterback A.J. McCarron tweeted his disgust, noting that the ‘really demonic’ performances showed that ‘there is a lot of evil in the world.’

Since the Grammy Awards encompass all forms of music, there were also artists from the Christian and Gospel genre. One of the Christian artists, Natalie Grant walked out in disgust. From Grant, who was nominated for two Grammys last night, tweeted her excitement upon arriving at the event but soon made it clear that she left early because what she witnessed conflicted with her Christian beliefs, stating, 'We left the Grammy’s early. I’ve many thoughts, most of which are probably better left inside my head. But I’ll say this: I’ve never been more honored to sing about Jesus and for Jesus. And I’ve never been more sure of the path I’ve chosen.' Although she remained coy on the exact circumstances, Grant was probably referring to Katy Perry, who was surrounded by demons as she danced around an upside down broomstick before being encircled by fire during a performance of her song ‘Dark Horse’.”

Katy Perry used to be a Christian/Gospel artist under the name Katy Hudson. Apparently, his father was a Christian leader/preacher and she was raised in a Christian household. It is not entirely known at which point she decided not to follow Christian beliefs. Her first big hit, “I Kissed A Girl” had bisexual undertones. Bisexuality is a practice that is not usually permitted in Christian teachings.
Katy Perry—then known as Katy Hudson, appears in a post performance interview in the video below:

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Katy Perry
Grammy Awards Satanic
