Farrah 2: Backdoor And More Releases Feb 13th! [VIDEO] After Backdoor Teen Mom Porn 'Ruined My Life!' Abraham Comes Out With Second Sex Tape

Farrah 2: Backdoor And More releases Feb 13th. Seems the only person that isn't psyched about Farrah 2 is Farrah herself. Though reports confim the new porn is with new footage, Farrah claims it is just extras from her first movie. If she is telling the truth is doesn't matter because Farrah signed away her rights to Backdoor Teen Mom and can't so anything about the sequel. if  Farrah has said her first sex tape 'ruined my life.' And just to add more to her ridiculous behavior, Farrah told In Touch Magazine that she was 'drugged and raped' when promoting Backdoor Teen Mom! Yet reports confirm that has not stopped Farrah from having sex again on camera with co-star James Deen, going through all of the pain a second time with Farrah 2!

Farrah Abraham is the biggest lying hypocrite in reality TV. Farrah has cried multiple time on Couples Therapy and constantly swears that Backdoor Teen Mom was leaked and ruined her life. But everytime Farrah says something, she does something that completely negates her words. Whaen Farrah was crying on Couples Therapy, she was already in the works with Vivid Entertainment to release her second sex tape, Farrah 2 Backdoor And More! Though Farah claims that the footage is not new and is old extra footage fom Backdoor Teen Mom, Vivid Entertainment denies that claim and we would believe a oarn company over Farrah!

The second porn by Farrah Abraham, Farrah 2: Backdoor And More, is not just extra from BackDoor Teen Mom. It's a whole new sex tape with Dames Deen and this time Farrah can not POSSIBLY try to convince us the tape is 'leaked.' Farrah can not keep lying. Their is just too much proof against her to back up her claims. Farrah is the girl who cried sex tape! I will definitely be watching (while barfing) Farrah 2:Backdoor And More just despite Farrah!

Farrah said about her first tape:

"It made it hard to have friends and a private life and to trust family, who I feel use me for money. If I went back in time, I would not have done it. The sex tape ruined my life."

LIAR! Her lies continue on and off Couples Therapy as Farah makes a joke out of the show.

If it wasn't for knowing that Farrah lied about her relationship to be on Couples Therapy, is fibbing about the details of her sex tape, and is now actually releasing another sex tape, the audience might actually have a tad of sympathy for Abraham.

But Farrah's lies are making the show cringe worthy to watch. Talking about how she's 'sexually depressed' and her sex tape situation is so painful is making Couples Therapy viewers gag. Last night Dr. Jenn had a private talk with Abraham without the Couples Therapy cameras and the single Teen Mom and the doc came out letting the other Couples Therapy cast know that Farrah has been though 'horrific things.'

Farrah cried. But remained mum about her problem for legal reasons. Apparently Farrah 'signed a big contract' prohibiting her from telling the others for issues in Therapy. So Farrah isn't in a couple and can't be honest. So what is the point of therapy?!

The other cast member are fed up with Farrah. She's distracting the group from getting the help that they need. Taylor Armstrong's fiancé admitted he can't relate to Farrah in any way because he just doesn't feel she's honest.

But the best confession was by Whitney Mixter, who described the boyfriend-less, lying Farrah as nothing more than "a chick in a room" if she can't actually contribute to the group in any way.

So how did Farrah get on Couples Therapy? Well, she was supposed to show up with boyfriend Brian Dawe, who so clearly barely knows Farrah. When the 'boyfriend didn't show up she said:

"And I'm so, like, kind of in shock. I obviously am, like, by myself and everybody has somebody here so I'm kind of, like, sad about it." Ok, so she's a tad less than educated than most people, but her tears and pauses were very plausible...if is wasn't for this admittance from Dawe:

"I got myself in this situation because I was only thinking about the profit I would be making from doing this show. That was wrong," Dawe told Starcasm.

"In the back of my head, I realized I could not participate in a TV show that would further exploit Farrah, and where I would have to lie to be involved."

The DJ continues ratting out Farrah. "Farrah told me to lie to the network and tell them the relationship was real...I stepped out of the security line and made a life changing decision to stand up for what I believe in and turn down the check I would be receiving for my appearance on this show."

Brian also explained that she show faked his scenes. In the trailer Farrah is talkaing on the phone but Brian's voice was mysteriously left out. This girl will do anything for a paycheck and fame.

The fake boyfriend even has a real girlfriend! The girlfriend breaks her silence speaking out about how Farrah manipulated an entire story with her boyfriend to be on Couples Therapy.

The girlfriend says, "after attending an event Brian was DJ-ing, Farrah got his cell phone number from his agent, and immediately started asking if he would be interested in a reality show."

She continues, "After she confronted Brian about having a fake relationship to be on Couples Therapy, he sat me down and explained it all."

"I was shocked and obviously didn't know what do say, but he reassured me their relationship was fake and only a business deal to help their careers."

"It was hard to handle at first, but I trusted him."

The girlfriend speaks about dropping off Brian at the airport changing her mind about the lie:

"I was just crying. I didn't know what would happen. It was so hard. But thankfully, he had a change of heart and decided to back out... He called me and told me he wasn't doing it. It was cute."

With the February 13th release of her 2nd sex tape, Farrah 2: Backdoor and More, how much farther can Farrah take her lies?

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