Justin Bieber Arrest Warrant To Be Issued For House-Egging Incident? US First Lady Michelle Obama Has An Advice For Pop Star’s Parents

Justin Bieber's arrest warrant might be possibly served now that authorities were able to acquire surveillance video of the Canadian crooner's egging of his neighbor's house. As per reports, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department will probably file felony vandalism charges because of the evidences that they have.

Although the surveillance video doesn't actually show the pop star throwing the eggs, his voice is reportedly heard in the video of the egg assault. The damages in the neighbor's house approximately cost $20,000 although other areas are still being assessed. Justin Bieber's arrest warrant for such will add up to his lengthy list of scandals.

America's First Lady Michelle Obama was previously asked about the issues surrounding Bieber. As a mother of two girls, it is only understandable why Mrs. Obama is concerned for teenagers like Bieber who are experiencing a tough time.

"I would pull him close. You know, I don't know if it would be advice as much as action. I would be very present in his life right now. And I would be probably with him a good chunk of the time, just there to talk, to figure out what's going on in his head, to figure out who's in his life and who's not, you know," said the First Lady.

Mrs. Obama likewise acknowledged Bieber as a growing kid: "I found that to be the case with my kids. They just want you near, you know - they want that advice from a parent. They want to see you on a daily basis, you know, because the thing is he's still a kid. He's still growing up. So, I would pull him close."

What can Pattie Mallette and Jeremy Bieber say about the First Lady's parenting advice?

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