Twitter Design Settings Update Looking More Like Facebook’s; Is The Microblogging Site Submitting Itself To The Mark Zuckerberg Social Media?

Twitter and Facebook are two of the biggest social networking sites around. They have the most number of followers and they are definitely competing with each other. Proof to that is their battle in live TV viewing dominance which broke out recently.

These two companies don't necessarily hate each other. In fact, there were instances that they are copying each other's design. Remember when Facebook adapted Twitter's trademark hashtag rules?

This 2014, it seems that Twitter is the one who's going to get something from FB's playbook. According to reports, the San Francisco-based company is on a major overhaul of its profile design, inspired largely by Mark Zuckerberg' social network and Google Plus.

British American news website Mashable reported on Monday that Twitter might feature a new look this 2014 or next year.

"Twitter is testing a major profile redesign that's very reminiscent of Facebook and Google+," Samantha Murphy Kelly wrote.

"Mashable assistant features editor Matt Petronzio spotted on Tuesday a huge update to his Twitter profile page, with the main picture and bio scaled to the left and significantly more real estate dedicated to the header photo."


"The revamped tweet stream is also a departure from its signature look. There is a greater focus on photos and content cards. It moves away from a strictly vertical timeline too."


The new design will have a header photo, pretty much the same with FB's cover photo. Under it are the tweet details like number of tweets, followers, and the number of people users are following. Instead of the usual vertical stream, the tweets of people you are following are shown on a grid system.

The profile photo is also improved. According to Mashable, "the recommended header photo size in the test version is 1500 x 500 pixels, up from 1252 x 626 in the current design, so users with the new design will want to switch their picture so it doesn't look stretched."

mark zuckerberg
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Google Plus
twitter new design
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