Once Upon A Time Season 3 Unveils Rapunzel Photo [SPOILERS]: Eddy Kitsis Talks Potential Peter Pan Return In Flashback!

As "Once Upon a Time" season 3 prepares for its March 9 mid-season premiere, spoilers regarding certain characters have surfaced.

Thanks to TV Guide, the very first promo photo featuring new "Once Upon a Time" character Rapunzel (Alexandra Metz) has been unveiled.

Although she has the same long locks, the co-creators promise that this Rapunzel will be nothing like "Tangled."

"We're doing our spin on the character," says Adam Horowitz.

"We went a little darker and freakier," adds Eddy Kitsis. "A little more horror story in the vein of 'The Grudge.'"


In the photo, we see Prince Charming visiting her, and spoilers confirm another character will do the same who is a "mysterious hooded menace."

When asked whether it is the Wicked Witch of the West, actress Rebecca Mader quickly answers, "I can't tell you!"

And as we loom closer to the March 9 "Once Upon a Time" season 3 mid-season premiere, one question fans have is whether Peter Pan will be seen again.

"We definitely would like to see him in a flashback, because the character was so much fun to write. I'm not sure it will happen this season, but there is a potential," says Kitsis to TVLine.

"We would hate to not be able to use him again," affirms Horowitz.

And one character who will be less than thrilled during the "Once Upon a Time" season 3B premiere is Hook, who will have a hard time winning back Emma's trust with her memory wiped.

"She will be very wary," says "Once Upon a Time" co-creator Eddy Kitsis. "I mean, if someone knocked on your door wearing leather and guyliner and tried to kiss you...? He's lucky he didn't get a baseball bat to the head!"

"Emma's a tough cookie when she has her memories. So without them, it's not going to an easy road for him," says Adam Horowitz.

Spoilers also confirm that actor Christopher Gorham has been cast in a secret role for the New York timeline.

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