Emilia Clarke, the World’s Most Desirable Woman, Danced For That Part as The Hot Mother of Dragons On `Game of Thrones’

Emilia Clark, the hot Mother of Dragons on HBO's "Game of Thrones," scorched all competition on the AskMen Most Desirable Woman poll. But Emilia Clarke had to dance to put her on top at the fantasy series.

Emilia Clarke knocked the 2013 defending champ Jennifer Lawrence out of the top spot in AskMen's Top 99 most Desirable Women of 2014. But to become Danaerys Targaryen on HBO's "Game of Thrones," where Emilia had to get it worded into her contract that she didn't have to do explicit scenes, Clarke had to do funky chicken dance.

Emilia Clarke wasn't the first choice for the Khaleesi. . HBO was going with Tazmin Merchant, who was in the film "Jane Eyre" and the acclaimed series "The Tudors." Clarke danced her way into the part. Emilia Clarke is one hot dragon mama.

Emilia Clarke recently revealed that she got the part on "Game Of Thrones" after she danced "the funky chicken" for the executives at HBO. When Emilia Clarke was auditioning in front of showrunner and co-creator David Benioff he dared her to dance.

Clarke told media "I did the robot, followed by the funky chicken. I think it sealed the deal." 

Benioff said Clarke was pretty much in even before she danced because "We needed an actress who could convincingly embody both the timid, voiceless Dany we first meet, and the Mother of Dragons she later becomes. Some of the young women could do fearful but not fearsome-one or two could do the reverse. Only Emilia nailed both."

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Emilia Clarke
Game of Thrones
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world's most desirable woman
