NBA Trade Rumors: Kyle Lowry Is ‘Up In The Air!’ Conflicting Reports Show Raptors Are Undecided On His Fate! What Are Teams Offering For East’s Top All Star-Snub?

In a perfect NBA where everything is decided on 'basketball reasons,' Kyle Lowry would be in the All-Star Game and not involved with NBA Trade Rumors. Obviously, it is not a perfect NBA.

Kyle Lowry is the biggest snub in the All-Star Game, as far as most NBA observers go.

From Zach Lowe of Grantland:  

"You want a real snub? Travel east to the league's weaker conference, and take a gander at Kyle Lowry. His omission is one of the worst I can recall, and it's safe to assume the league's coaching fraternity is punishing Lowry for his well-chronicled run-ins with just about every coach he's come across in Memphis, Houston, and even Toronto. Lowry is second among all Eastern Conference guards in PER, and considering the tiny gap between Lowry and the top guy (Dwyane Wade), and Wade's 13 missed games, you could easily argue Lowry has been the best guard in the conference." 

At the very least, his own team would recognize his talent, won't it? If he's not popular among other teams' fans (the Toronto Raptors are not exactly a popular team) and also other teams' coaches (not named as a reserve despite the evident weakness of Kyrie Irving) then his team would still keep him and know his worth.

It's actually not certain.

Recent reports from Yahoo says:

"Adds an executive with a team that's been a suitor of Kyle Lowry, "We've heard it from (Toronto) that he won't be moved."

From the weekly chat of NBA Insider Chad Ford of ESPN:

"Will Kyle Lowry be a Raptor past the trade deadline?

Chad Ford  (1:08 PM)

I'd be surprised. They've been aggressive looking for the right deal for him."

What are the offers for Kyle Lowry?

The only steady and concrete suitor for Lowry are the New York Knicks. However, the offer of Raymond Felton and Metta World Peace along with the Knicks 2018 (yes, it's that far)first round pick was pretty lame-and it was the Knicks who backed out! Why is Kyle Lowry so underrated? Who is this guy's agent?

Will other GMs realize how good he actually is? How about Masai Ujiri, the Raptors own GM?

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