‘Noah' Movie Controversy: Director Continues Struggle Against Paramount's Efforts To Please Religious Sect! Cast Posters Released!

The 'Noah' movie confirms what everyone knew all along-any religious material will result in controversy! Director Darren Aronofsky recalls his experience. One month before the movie is released, some character posters are released.

The root of the problem came when Paramount mounted some test screenings from different denominations. Aronofsky is describes as an auteur director. He takes pride in his work in levels that are different from the mainstream directors.

Aronofsky shared his views on The Hollywood Reporter:  "I was upset -- of course. No one's ever done that to me. I imagine if I made comedies and horror films, it would be helpful. In dramas, it's very, very hard to do. I've never been open to it."

Paramount also insisted that test audiences are sophisticated enough to evaluate movies without finished effects in place. "I don't believe that.'"

On being faithful to the biblical design of the Ark: "I had no problem completely honoring and respecting everything in the Bible and accepting it as truth.'Genesis describes the ark as a giant box, he says, and that's what he wanted for the film. 'Of course, my production designer [MarkFriedberg] had a million ideas of what it could look like, but I said, 'No, the measurements are right there.' "

Then came the religious angle. Studio vice chairman Rob Moore described the situation: "There are some people where it's a very emotional experience of, 'Whoa, whoa, whoa -- a Hollywood studio is trying to tell a story from my faith, and I am skeptical,' " he says. "Not necessarily 50 percent of the people, but maybe 10 or 20 percent. And those people can be very noisy."

While there has to be some biblical veracity, Moore thought it is best to see the film as a creative work of art based on Biblical canon. Aronofsky describes it as a story of a man who overcame odds, hence the title "Noah" not "The Great Genesis Flood." His vision of Noah: "We wanted to smash expectations of who Noah is. The first thing I told Russell is, 'I will never shoot you on a houseboat with two giraffes behind you.' ... You're going to see Russell Crowe as a superhero, a guy who has this incredibly difficult challenge put in front of him and has to overcome it."

But both director and studio exec say that their conflict is now "behind them."

One month before the film's release, they have unveiled some character posters featuring the movie's All star Cast including Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Emma Watson and Logan Lerman.

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Noah 2014 Movie
