House Of Cards Season 2 Release Date: Early Release Request Denied; Why It Didn't Push Through Despite All The Good Reasons?

House of Cards, the hit political drama from Netflix, is set to come back today, February 14, for its second season. Many fans are excited about the return, some are even planning to make the Kevin Spacey starrer part of their Valentine's Day plans. However, a few days ago, there was a clamor on the web pushing Netflix to air the first episode a day earlier.

In a report by the Wire, House of Cards wants to see the show earlier than scheduled to endure the expected snowy day on the 14th, saying it would be good for the show's ratings. Politicians and entertainment writers alike took to Twitter to request Netflix to move the airing date.

Marco Rubio's press secretary  Alex Conant said


If/when DC shuts down for blizzard Thursday, @netflix would be smart to make new @HouseofCards available one day early

Social Media Editor for @thinkprogress & @amprog Caitlin Frazier said in her own account


Alright @netflix, you should release House of Cards one day early! You'll get tons of views from us snow-day watchers #LetItShow

Quartz's Zach Seward tweeted: "It would be a marketing masterstroke if Netflix debuted season two of 'House of Cards' a day early for snowed-in customers."

Although many people think it is a good idea, others also think that Netflix may not be interested.

"I'm with others who think Netflix would get a huge PR bump by releasing House of Cards a day early because snow, though I doubt it happens," said Hitflix Alan Sepinwall.

As expected, Netflix didn't grant the wish of its fans. Critics say that the company is not really into ratings, proof to that is the fact that it never released any data about the viewership of their shows.

The Wire wrote:

Essentially, Netflix has built its brand on giving costumers what they want when they want it, whether that be their original programming, all there for binge watching, or their other content. Releasing House of Cards a day early, the company would prove how willing they are to cater to their users interests by doing something that no traditional television network-broadcast or cable-could do.

House of Cards
season 2
Kevin Spacey
Release Date
house of cards spoiler
tv series
