Justin Timberlake Spends Valentine’s Alone In Canada? Wife Jessica Biel Hints Divorce Rumors Not True With Instagram Photo

Justin Timberlake spent Valentine's Day alone in Canada as he braved the cold to warm up the Toronto air for his concert on February 14. While there's no sign of wife Jessica Biel, the "Total Recall" actress hinted on her Instagram post that the divorce rumors surrounding their marriage is not true.

Justin Timberlake was snapped wearing a beanie and a winter jacket on the day of his performance at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, according to Perezhilton.com.

Jessica Biel, meanwhile, was reportedly seen buying Valentine's Day cards from Old Tom Foolery in Greater Goods on Eat Street, Minneapolis.

In a report by Star Tribune, the owner of the store was even embarrassed when he mistook her for Jessica Alba, to which Jessica Biel good-naturedly corrected.

"No, I get that a lot, but I'm Jessica Biel," the publication quoted Jessica Biel as telling owner, Joel Gryniewski.

But more importantly, Jessica Biel reportedly purchased Valentine's Day cards from them, presumably to be given to Justin Timberlake. "Two general love cards, I guess I would say. Kind of Valentinesy," Gryniewski said.

Jessica Biel also posted a bouquet of beautiful white roses on her Instagram page. The photo had no accompanying caption to give a hint of where the sweet gift came from but it would be not too far-fetched to assume that it was a gift from her husband Justin Timberlake.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel may have bucked the divorce rumors for now but the Grammy award singer's grandmother said earlier this month that Jessica Biel is having a hard time with the marriage.

"I think Jessica finds that really tough. She's on her own a good deal," Sadie Bomar told the Sun. "If he's not coming back at night that puts a strain on things, of course it does. It's hard to keep it all going but you have to have faith to keep it all going."

She said that this is also the reason why they couldn't have children.

"They are married but they are so busy, both of them, it's hard going," she added. "I'm sure when it's right to have children they will, but not now.

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Justin Timberlake
jessica biel
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