Scarlett Johansson Hot Horror Trailer For Sexy SciFi Flick Will Get `Under The Skin’; You May Never Want to Wake Up Again (Video)

Scarlett Johansson is hot. Scarlett has been voted Sexiest Woman on the Planet and smaller divisions thereof by almost every magazine keeping score. Four out of five doctors say they'd like to sleep with Scarlett Johansson, who started out as the thinking man's sex symbol.

Well, after sleeping with Scarlett Johansson, you might never want to wake up again.  In the trailer, Scarlett hypnotically asks "You don't want to wake up, do you?"

In the new "'Under The Skin" trailer, Johansson is an alien femme fatale in a cool car. The creepy 2-minute trailer shows Scarlett getting ready to pick up some lonely hitchhikers. Scarlett is a seductive alien in "perfect" human form, which is what thinking men have been saying for years.

Jonathan Glazer, who directed "Under The Skin," is being called the new Stanley Kubrick. Glazer also directed "Birth" and "Sexy Beast." The new trailer is unsettling because it shifts angles and focus as that perfect human woman is only bait looking for new meat.

But who could resist falling prey when it's Scarlett Johansson who's on the prowl? Unsettling because we'd all line up just for the chance to sit in that car, even if it will send us to whatever fate awaits us on whatever planet she's sending us. Scarlett plays Laura, an alien in human form driving through Scotland in search of prey.

The seductive Scarlett uses the body of a beautiful dead woman to lure unsuspecting men who get covered in some mysterious black liquid while they undress. Water Sports? Once Scarlett sucks out their ... souls,  she moves onto her next victim.

The movie's gotten some attention for Scarlett Johansson's nude scenes. But Glazer said "Nudity was very important in the film, but I didn't want to make the film about Scarlett's nudity."

To shoot "Under the Skin," Johansson drove a van loaded with hidden cameras around Glasgow and picked up men.

And there were a lot of men eager and willing to get in that van. Glazer said "There were lots of pieces, lots of film that was shot, 270 hours of film I think.  Sometimes I had eight cameras running...there were fantastic scenes that I didn't get permission to use. So it was quite a high wire act in that sense, you would not know what you were going to get every day. You would take risks that meant that you might be shooting for three hours and end up with nothing."

"Under the Skin" will hit theaters on April 4 

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