RHOBH Carlton Gebbia Ruining Housewives! [VIDEO] CRAZY Wiccan Making Unwanted Problems With Joyce, Kyle Richards And Lisa Vanderpump In Beverly Hills

RHOBH Carlton Gebbia is ruining Housewives! Carlton Gebbia, the wiccan of the Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills, is going to be the downfall of the Bravo reality show. Her wicked, over the top, devilish ways towards the veteran Housewives has made the show painful to watch. Have a little respect, Gebbia! Last night, Carlton takes us to her weird candle store and then puts a spell on Kyle's computer! Well, we don't know is Gebbia is guilty of the 'bigot' debacle, but I wouldn't be surprised if Carlton was casting spells on teh Housewives that she's angry at.  Carlton cries alligator tears, talks behind everyone's back, and then is so hypocritical and evil about what she says, that I'm ready to stop tuning into RHOBH altogether. Carlton is more than a wiccan, she's an utter witch! Pointing her bony finger saying, 'don't you dare come for me,' Carlton reminds me of the Wicked Witch saying 'I'll get you my pretty!' 

Carlton Gebbia has really made Beverly Hills Housewives difficult to watch. RHOBH has had it's share of stupid, hypocritical Housewives, but Gebbia is teh first Housewife to really make me squirm. And is it me or does she look like she's in desperate need of a show? I cringed watching Gebbia when last weeks Housewives aired, and after tonight I dislike Gebbia even more. Kyle was never my favorite Housewives star but she wasn't ruining the show for me the way Carlton has succeeded in such a short time. Gebbia made such an issue out of Kyle's remark about Lisa's '1/3 of a nipple,' but then throws a party on RHOBH that has women with their nipples hanging out greeting the Housewives and guests at the door! How hypocritical. Gebbia just makes the rules up as she goes. And she thinks Kyle is talking bad about her because she DREMPT it! Carlton just doesn't like Kyle for no reason or she's stirring the pot for more camera time. 

Carlton is either clinically insane or causing drama on Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills to gain staying power on the show. We all know how quick Housewives stars come and go, but this is pathetic. There is no other option here. Carlton can't actually be sane or not wanting airtime to say these ludicrous statements. The RHOBH Jewish star debacle with Kyle...please! Kyle may not ne my favorite Housewives star, but she is not out to get Carlton Gebbia. Nobody is out to get Carlton actually, but Gebbia is sure that people are 'coming for her.' And let's not forget about Gebbia putting a 'spell' on Joyce. Carlton of course retracted the warning, but we all heard threaten poor little Joyce. 

Lisa is doing a bad job sticking up for Kyle, who is actually going way out of her was to be nice to Gebbia, even giving her a necklace right off her back!

In reality, Kyle is so nervous around Carlton that she trips up and says things she would not normally say if she were calm. But Kyle's words don't come from a bad place. Just nerves.

But worse than what was shown on TV is Carlton's stupid Housewives blog. Last night Carlon wrote:

Carlton writes, "Of course on the negative side there's Kyle and Joyce, yet again bashing my religion. These two are like dogs with a bone they just can't stop themselves from consistently insulting and mocking my faith. I don't care if they believe or don't believe, I don't want to hear it. It makes no difference to me. For the last time I am not here to change anyone's religious or spiritual beliefs, nor am I recruiting thank god. You will never hear me challenge their religions, which I actually have respect for. But evidently, with their limited narrow minds, they are having a hard time understanding that concept. What's so telling about both of their characters is when Kyle tells Joyce nonchalantly that she called me anti-Semetic and Joyce has no bloody reaction not even a flinch. I appreciate that Yolanda agreed that it was ignorant too."

"So telling that Joyce says she doesn't believe in Wiccan. Really? What is it exactly about the Wicca faith that she doesn't believe? Did she really just deny it's entire existence of which millions of people world wide are practicing Wiccans. Wicca is a recognized religion in the military! How can she seriously be that ignorant? Do they both understand that I am not the only practicing Wiccan out there, that they desperately feel the constant need to be so offensive about this particular faith. I am quite sure that I'm not the only one insulted by their gross antics. In fact I know this to be only too true."

Carlton continues her tirade with pages of nonsense that I won't burden you with and then concludes with:

"It seems to me that every chance Kyle can blame Lisa for something even if Lisa isn't the main focus of a problem Kyle will find a way to do it. However Lisa I feel is completely desensitized to Kyle's constant setups and jealousy. These relationships are so painfully and unnecessarily complicated. Oh here's a Spanish idiom that sums up Kyle's character 'to throw the stone and hide the hand' maybe she's heard of that one."

So RHOBH producers: I want Carlton off the show once and for all. She makes me squirm in my seat, and not in a good way. I'm cringing to have to tune in on Mondays. I will not be watching RHOBH next season if Gebbia returns.

Will you?

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