'Divergent' Movie Heroine Shailene Woodley Reveals Two Celebrities She Admires Most: 'They Don't Like The Glitz And Glamour'

While 'Divergent' movie's heroine Shailene Woodley will be starring in two of this year's highly anticipated films, the 22-year-old actress makes sure that her feet are firmly planted on the ground.

As per Woodley, who will be playing Tris in the 'Divergent' movie, Kate Winslet gave her some advice about the acting industry.

"Kate said something to me once, 'People make it harder on themselves than they need to be. In life in general, but especially actors. They take themselves too seriously," Woodley said.

Apart from the 'Titanic' actress, Woodley similarly looks up to George Clooney: "I don't know how I lucked out, but Kate Winslet and George Clooney are so similar in that they just love acting and that's it."

When asked what made her admire Winslet and Clooney most, she answered: "They don't like the glitz and the glamor. They don't like the makeup trailer, they don't like the magazines and the frufru-ness and the fancy award shows. They love being on the set and hanging out with the Teamsters and they love talking to the wardrobe department and hanging out with the sound guys. There is no 'I'm this' or 'I'm that.'"

Since the 'Divergent' movie entails lots of action films, Woodley admits that she got scars from doing her own stunts. Nonetheless, it does not mean that she is complaining for all the blessings that she got.

"It definitely felt like a huge endeavor. It definitely felt like a big studio film. It was the first time I had ever really worked on that sort of level," she said about 'Divergent' movie.

Aside from the dystopian film, she will also give life to a cancer-stricken teenager named Hazel Grace in 'The Fault in Our Stars'.

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Divergent movie
Shailene Woodley
