Captain America 3 [RUMORS]: 5 Theories On Chris Evans Movie, Dimension Z, Operation Rebirth, Crossbones And Sin, Reborn, And More!

As "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" prepares for its release, rumors on what "Captain America 3" will entail are already circulating the web.

Although much of what "Captain America 3" will entail will be determined by the course of other "phase 3" movies like "Ant Man," "Thor 3," and of course "The Winter Soldier," here are 5 stories from the Marvel comic that could work for the third film.

Dimension Z

Kevin Fiege has been quoted to say that "phase 3" is all about magic, so a story about the Multiverse could work very well with the other movies in the Marvel franchise.

This story could be great for "Captain America 3" if they choose to bring in Red Skull's daughter Sin or Zola's son.

Operation Rebirth

Captain America is forced to work with the Red Skull. Given that Red Skull is still alive until proven otherwise, "Captain America 3" could bring back Hugo Weaving for the third movie in an unlikely alliance.

There are also rumors that Red Skull is in "The Winter Soldier," so stay tuned.

Crossbones and Sin

Red Skull's daughter Sin is particularly popular in the "Captain America" universe, so bringing her in as a villain in "Captain America 3" would be a wise move for the franchise.

In this story, Crossbones and Sin team up to wreak havoc for Captain America, so given that Crossbones is in "The Winter Soldier," would this be great for the third movie?

The Death of Captain America

Given that this Marvel arc involves Iron Man, it might have to be tweaked since Robert Downey Jr. is only committed to "Avengers 2" and "Avengers 3."

Since Chris Evans is signed on for several more movies, this may be a better story for a later "Captain America" movie.

Captain America Reborn

This story follows The Death of Captain America and involves the Sharon Carter character seen in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier."

What do you think will be the likely scenario for "Captain America 3?"

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