‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Cast Rumors: Deadpool, X-Force Introduced In the Film? Fox Is Ready To Make Spinoff Movies For More X-Men Universe Characters!

The upcoming film "X-Men: Days of Future Past" will have a record number of mutants! The sequel, "X-Men: Apocalypse" may end up the same. The producer teases that the expansion of the X-Men Universe is just the tip of the iceberg.

X-men Movies producer Lauren Shuler Donner,  has always been a superhero enthusiast. She is also the wife of Richard Donner, director of the original Superman series in the late 70s to early 80s.

She is very much involved in the production of the X-Men Movies and she has a lot of ideas to share. JoBlo talked with her on the set of DOFP and she has very interesting revelations!

On the rumors of having an "X-Force" spinoff movie:

"I think we have to figure out how many X-Men films a summer can handle without getting into X-Men fatigue. And I just mentioned New Mutants off the top of my head because that's a personal passion of mine.  I'm not saying that's Fox's next movie, please don't misquote me or I'll get a call. But we have to be very careful. As you all know there's a Deadpool script that is out there, and you know about X-Force and you know about Fantastic Four. There's a summer, there's a year, say 2014, 2015... how many can you put out? Take into consideration there are also Marvel movies coming out then. At a certain point people want to see other movies besides comic book movies so you have to be really careful what you're going to pick, and how many are going to be released within a year."

On Hugh Jackman and what she would do when he quits the X-Men franchise:

"I cry! Because I love him, I want to work with him! I'm hoping that day won't come. We keep talking about other stories to spin, and of course he wants to do other movies and theater and he wants to take time to be a dad. So far, I think it's not on the horizon, but I'm sure it will be one day. It's hard to push your body like that. Thank God the character doesn't age! (laughs) Physically, he has given a lot. I loved it when the poster came out for THE WOLVERINE, and there was a lot of chatter on the internet that it was Photoshopped. It's NOT. That's the man, ok! Have him pull his shirt off, he'll show you. That's another reason for women to come!"

On the theme of "X-Men: Days of Future Past" and how it will lead into "X-Men: Apocalypse:"

"I love the comic that this is based on because it's such a mythic and powerfully resonant idea. For me, from the teen alienation at the heart of all the X-Men characters, that degree to which they're all looking to find their place in the world. The idea of having an opportunity to go back and make changes that can both ensure your future but also potentially destabilize other things. It's such a wonderful, rich science fiction conceit. And to have the comic and its roots blended with that makes it to me one of the biggest-certainly the biggest idea we've ever tackled. I think it has the potential to be the biggest film and the home run of introducing the two casts together."

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X-Men Apocalypse
