Kim Kardashian Ruining Her Body With Plastic Surgery? Kim Kardashian Denies It on Twitter, But Stretch Marks Tell Another Story; Someone Asked an Expert

Kim Kardashian ruining her body, the tabloids say. Rumors are flying that Kim Kardashian, of the reality TV show "Keeping Up with the Kardashians fame" is afraid her baby is ruining her body and that stretch marks may be ruining her body.

To listen to media reports, it would seem that all Khloe Kardashian and Kendall Jenner talk about are how plastic surgery will destroy Kim Kardashian because she sees nothing but stretch marks. Kim Kardashian is having a body crisis meltdown and Kanye's just sitting there staring at her butt.

Kim Kardashian took to Twitter to say that butt is God-given and she never underwent butt-implant surgery to make her glutes look bigger.

Kardashian tweeted "I'm seeing all these nonsense tabloids claiming I have butt-implants injections. Get a life! Using pics of me 15 lbs skinnier (before I had my baby) comparing to me now."

Okay, but for those of us who write about this kind of thing for a living, this is a life, and - as we saw on this week's episode of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians," Kardashian did to a cosmetic dermatologist. Dr. Simon Ourian gave Kim a laser procedure on her breasts to eliminate stretch marks. While Kardashian was in the seat, she also got scars on toe lasered off.

OK! Magazine, however said Kim Kardashian, afraid that pregnancy ruined her body, spent blew half a million bucks on surgery and body alterations.

A source told OK! Magazine, "Kanye has made it clear that her booty is her greatest asset, and she's become so focused on that. She'll do everything she can to make it as prominent as possible. She's even worn padded underwear to enlarge it if a skirt doesn't show it off enough."

And Kardashian takes that seriously, the source old OK "Kim stares at herself for hours-picking herself apart, for her nose to her thighs. Sometimes she's in tears, hating every part of her body. She has stretch marks and things jiggle in places they never did before; she sees lumps and bumps and more fat to fight. Kim likes her booty and her eyes, but that's it. Everything else is a big fat fail."

The source said Kardashian's family and friends think Kim is going to plastic herself into the grave, saying "Her sister Kendall Jenner rarely speaks up about Kim, but she did tell her that using fillers will mess up her face-she was worried it might be toxic and could cause her problems later on ... Khloe [Kardashian] is definitely worried [Kim] is going too far...All Kim's oldest pals are worrying she's ruining her body."

Kardashian has blasted these kinds of rumors before, in January this year Kardashian denied she lost 50 pounds through plastic surgery and liposuction treatments. She credited workouts and the Atkins diet.

At the time she said "It sucks when people make up surgery or Photoshop lies when I am so disciplined and work so hard!" she said. "I work out so hard and this was such a challenge for me but I did it. I'm so proud of my accomplishment and no one will take this away from me with fake reports!"

So, somebody asked an expert.  Radar Online talked to Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn, she said  "It appears to me Kim's had quite a bit of work done - some she's admitted to, and some we can speculate about. I believe she's undergone Botox injections to smooth the wrinkles of her forehead and her frown lines. Although I doubt she's had a surgical brow lift, she looks like she's had a Botox brow lift, where Botox is injected in a pattern to raise and arch the brows."

That's all the clues. Draw your own conclusions.

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Kim Kardashian
kim kardashian ruining her body
