Teresa And Joe Giudice Fraud Update [VIDEO] Real Housewives Of New Jersey Stars Father Close To Death From Lung Disease---Legal Troubles Too Much Stress For Tre's Dad?

Teresa And Joe Giudice Fraud Update: The Real Housewives Of New Jersey star's father, Giacincto Gorga, is in poor health and will likely die soon and it could be from the stress from Teresa and Joe's fraud trial coming up in April. "The strain of Teresa's legal struggles has taken a toll her dad," the insider said. Teresa loves her father, whom has been  battling a weak heart and empphysema for a while now and he won't be around much longer. Teresa has been dealing with more than the average woman can take right now, juggling her fraud trial with Joe, rumors that her husband Joe has been cheating, not getting along with the new cast member on RHONJ, and now her father's failing health.

Teresa Giudice's father is currently in the hospital and checked in on Feb. 16th. Teresa has always been there for her father and the two were very close as seen on Real Housewives of New Jersey. "Teresa was right there by his side," a friend told RadarOnline "She's very close to her father, and it was devastating to see him lying in a hospital bed - she's already so stressed, and this just broke her heart. She's going through an extremely difficult time." A difficult time would be an understatement for the Housewives star. Her four children may be losing their parents AND grandfather come Teresa and Joe's fraud trial in April.

 The thought of his daughter Teresa being accused of fraud, watching the fraud trial. her being locked up, and seeing his granchildren without a mother and father for many years was too much Senior Gorga to take. Teresa seems to be in denial about her fraud problems, recently taking a lavish ski trip with her children. The highly anticipated fraud trial starts in two months and until then it seems Teresa and Joe plan to make the best of their freedom trying to be optomistic. But the Giudice family are in very serious trouble.

Below is a summary of their Joe and Teresa's serious fraud charges:

1) Mail Fraud and Wire Fraud: The indictment states that between 2001-2008, using the U.S. mail, private carriers and wire communications, they defrauded 7 different banks and mortgage lenders.

2) Bank Fraud: The indictment states 5 banks were defrauded by submitting applications with false tax returns, pay stubs, and W-2s that gave false salaries and income. In total they stole $4.5 million from various banks.

3) Loan Application Fraud: For making false statements in those bank loan applications

4) Bankruptcy Fraud: Concealment, False Oaths, False Declarations. These are 22 different counts alone. In essence, they lied to the BK courts (under oath) about their finances and they knowingly filed false documents to conceal their income. That's perjury. Tre & Joe never withdrew their bankruptcy, the courts denied their petition on suspicion of fraud.

5) Failure to Make Tax Returns: These counts are all against Joe, and claim he didn't file tax returns from 2004-2008.

6) Teresa signed false loan application claiming she was a real estate broker earning $50,000 per month.

Joe Giudice, whose real first name is Giuseppe, is an Italian citizen. Thus, he could face deportation if he is convicted.

Joe Giudice, 43, was released on a $500,000 bond secured by his father, Frank. Teresa Giudice, 41, was released on a $500,000 unsecured bond.

The duo also had their travel restricted to New Jersey and New York and had to surrender their passports.

The pattern of alleged fraud may have lasted a decade," U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman said.

"They're serious charges," he said.

 "They are alleged to have made false statements to the bankruptcy court and the banks that lent them money," Fishman told press.

In an official statement, Teresa Giudice discussed the charges.

"I support Joe and, as a wonderful husband and father, I know he wants only the best for our lovely daughters and me," she said. "I am committed to my family and intend to maintain our lives in the best way possible, which includes continuing my career. As a result, I am hopeful that we will resolve this matter with the government as quickly as possible."

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