Pirates Of The Caribbean 5 Star Johnny Depp To Play Doctor Strange? Marvel Boss Kevin Feige Debunks The Rumors Saying, ‘A Movie Star Is Not Required’

Pirates of the Caribbean 5 star Johnny Depp to take on the lead role in Marvel's third phase of Cinematic Universe Doctor Strange movie?

Apparently, Marvel has already planned its phase three of Cinematic Universe with only three films left in phase 2, Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers 2: Age of Ultron.

Ant-Man was the first film announced for Marvel's third phase followed by talks of The Black Panther and now the latest rumor would be Doctor Strange, where in Johnny Depp was reportedly in talks with Marvel execs to play the good doctor in the supposedly third film for Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Latino-review.com, reported that the 50-year old "Pirates of the Caribbean" star is currently in negotiation with Marvel for the role.

 "A well-connected source informed me tonight that Johnny Depp has taken a meeting with Marvel to discuss taking on the role of Dr. Strange."

However, both Hollywood Reporter and Variety refuted such report, although the latter previously confirmed Latino Reviewer's story, saying that Pirates of the Caribbean 5 star Johnny Depp has no involvement about the film.

"Sources tell Variety that such talks have yet to take place and any possibility of such a pairing is premature," writer Marc Graser penned for Variety.

Hollywood Reporter's Borys Kit backed up the claim on Twitter saying:

 "According to Marvel, there are no meetings nor talks taking place between the co. and Depp and no talks for Doc Strange."

Mike Fleming of Deadline.com also joined in saying: "The story's being bannered by Variety online, but don't dress for it." However, Fleming confirmed that Depp and Marvel did talk it just that the meeting "never went anywhere."

More recently, Marvel's big boss Kevin Feige clarifies the rumors saying, "We're meeting a lot of people now," Feige admitted during an interview. "That article was not true about who we're meeting or what level anybody is. But we're actively looking."

He then added, "Doctor Strange would be our - well, depending on when we make it, it could be our 13th, 14th, 15th movie," he says. "I think if you're looking to track our decision-making and how we've done things, we have a pretty wide track record now where you can sort of see. So, no, a movie star is not required, but that doesn't mean a movie star wouldn't be great."

In other Marvel Cinematic Universe news, Kevin Feige, President of Production and Chief Executive, spoke to BlackTree TV about a Black Panther movie, last year.

"In terms of Black Panther, it's absolutely in development, and when you have something as rich as Wakanda and [Black Panther's] backstory--and clearly, Vibranium's been introduced in the universe already--I don't know when it will be exactly but certainly we have plans to bring him to life someday."

With Doctor Strange and Johnny Depp rumors refuted maybe we should focus on Black Panther as of now, until a rep from Marvel or Disney makes a statement otherwise.

For more of the hottest and latest updates about Pirates of the Caribbean star Johnny Depp keep tuning in here at Kpopstarz.com.

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