Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Review, Update: Android Phablet By Tech Giant Wins Big At Academy Awards; Most Retweeted Selfie Ever Taken With Device

Samsung Galaxy Note 3 review, update: The Android phablet of the South Korean tech giant Samsung, the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, won big in terms of publicity at the recently concluded 86th Academy Awards. Not only was the device the handset of choice for Ellen DeGeneres, who live tweeted the event, but it will also go down as the smartphone used to take the world’s most retweeted selfie.

During the telecast, second-time Oscar host DeGeneres pooled several celebs to take a selfie, which at press time has been retweeted more than 2.5 million times. In it were 18-time Academy Award nominee Meryl Streetp, Jennifer Lawrence, Julia Roberts, Bradley Cooper, Brad Pitt, Angeline Jolie, Kevin Spacey, Channing Tatum, Jared Leto and Lupita Nyong’o and her brother Peter. Bradley Cooper used the Note 3 the Academy Award host to take the pic.

Samsung had also sponsored devices all over the red carpet. The company also has a number of ads that was broadcasted throughout the show for its recently launched Samsung Galaxy S5 and Samsung Galaxy Gear 2.

The Oscar telecast was seen by an average of 43 million viewers in the U.S., the most it has in 10 years and has received a total of 11.2 million tweets, according to Nielsen Social Guide. The selfie alone that was taken with a Note 3 was retweeted 1 million times, crashing Twitter and breaking the record, an hour after it was posted at @TheEllenShow.

According to Gotta Be Mobile, Samsung has a lot planned for 2014. There’s a possibility to see more Samsung products being pushed at major events like the Super Bowl, NBA Games, Oscars and many more.

It has also been recently reported that the much awaited Android 4.4 KitKat upgrade for Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is already being rolled out.

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