Android News 2014: Google's Mobile Platform Now At The Top Of Tablet Food Chain, Beats Windows And Even iOS-Powered Slates

Android news 2014: For the the past couple of years, there has not been a clear winner in the mobile platform battle as far as tablets are concerned. But in a recent report, Android has taken the top spot. 

According to a blog post by GSM Arena, research firm Gartner has reported that recent date shows that Android tablets have already gained 62 percent of the entire tablet market. 

Samsung is the primary booster of this feat, accounting for 19.1 percent of all tablet sales around the world after a 336 percent explosion in terms of growth in the tablet market. 

Meanwhile, Google's own Nexus line and the innumerable cheap tablets all around the world have all contributed to make Android the number one platform for these devices. 

In the report, Apple's slates account for only 36% of all tablets around the world, while Windows-powered slates only gained 2.1% of the market pie. 

Gartner previously predicted that Apple's iOS would lead the way for tablets until 2015, but the Android tablet revolution last year surely erased such speculations. 

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