‘Batman Vs Superman’ Plot Spoilers: Director Zack Snyder Defends Casting Choices! Dark Knight And Man Of Steel Universes ‘Explode’ With Each Other!

Director Zack Snyder is on the defensive, but he's also taken a fighting stance against the critics. He will not back down and be a slave to the 'canon.'

Snyder has a point. The movies are different from the comic books. There is no luxury of time, you are also limited by what you can present on the silver screen.

"Batman Vs Superman" is not an animated film. It is not limitless like the comics or animation. This is something the fanboys must understand.

Another aspect is how Snyder will present the origin of Batman. Snyder does not have the luxury of a trilogy like Christopher Nolan and perhaps he does not want a full origin story like "Batman Begins." The '300' director was hired to make a visually stunning, action packed super hero movie with fight scenes fans will rave about long after watching the movie.

In an interview with Hero Complex, Snyder speaks his mind. On the intense criticism of his casting choices, specifically Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor:

"There are two ways to think about it. We know the material. Unfortunately, the fans don't know the material. So, we're casting according to what's happening in the script. And we're hoping that leads to enough originality, enough perspective on what we're doing that you get something fresh and exciting. I understand the canon. I'm not crazy. I know what these characters need from a mythological standpoint. I think Jesse is going to be an amazing Lex. Let's not forget he was nominated for an Academy Award. It's not like I just grabbed my friend to play the guy! This guy's the real deal. By the way, in looking at all the talk-back, you can get all different perspectives in there too. Some people are hating to hate. Some people - someone did some fan art. And you look underneath and someone wrote, 'I guess I can see it.' Honestly, are you kidding me? Just stop it! It's reassuring and frustrating at the same time."

On whether he will combine the Superman universe and the Batman universe:

"It's very fun to get into this world with different heroes coexisting in the same universe, but a lot of balls in the air as they say. As a fan, it's an amazing opportunity. You know, Superman and Batman in the movies have never existed in the same frame together. So it's an interesting historical thing. We were just testing the suits, right? The new Batsuit and the Superman suit. It wasn't even with the actors, right? It was just to see 'em. I was standing there, they were standing next to each other. And I was like, 'Guys, someone take a picture! This has never happened before.' We slightly dork out. Like, 'Are you kidding me?!'

[The movie] literally takes the 'Man of Steel' and 'Batman' universes and explodes them. You're not as tied to the mythology. In 'Man of Steel,' we had to create an origin story, a mythology, and there's a lot of energy into that, which we love doing. Don't get me wrong. But when you think about how fun it is too - now that you've got these characters - to now let 'em loose. That's fun!"

Therefore, there is a possibility that we will see Batman vs Lex Luthor, Superman against the Joker, etc. The boundaries between the universes will be broken.

That sounds exciting. Independence as a director is a privilege that DC and Warner will extend to Zack Snyder. Let's hope he does not butcher it.

We'll find out and give the verdict on May 6, 2016!

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