‘Fantastic Four’ Reboot Cast Rumors: Johnny Storm Casting Defended By Falcon! More Black Actors To Be Cast As Super Heroes

One of the more controversial casting decisions of late is Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm also known as The Human Torch. The Falcon swoops in to defend the decision.

Anthony Mackie is playing The Falcon in Marvel's "Captain America: The Winter Soldier." While there was no controversy over his casting because Falcon IS black in the comics, he is quick to defend the casting for the other film. From comicbook.com:

"It's crazy how much they know, and if you deter from that, it's like 'Well, that's not authentic.' You know it's not real. It's made-up, so we can change it. 'No, no, that's not right. No, he's real.' Alright."

"Michael B. Jordan is a very good friend of mine. I've known him since he was a teenager, and I'm so happy, for more than anybody else for him to be getting the accolades he's getting, because he deserves it... I think with these type of movies, everything else aside, you need a good actor. Michael B. Jordan is a good actor, black or white. So what you have to realize is, and go back and forth and just say, 'Superman can't fly, Batman ain't real, the Human Torch don't really set himself on fire and fly around the room, so he can look like whatever they want him to look like.' You just have to allow yourself to see him that way. And if you can't do that, that says something about you."

He has strong words for those who refuse to accept the casting simply because of the race issue.

"As an audience member if you can't do that, you need to look at yourself, because there's something going on with you, that you might need some help with."

It was not the first time there has been a race change. Nick Fury was white in the comic books, but he was played by Samuel L. Jackson. More black actors are expected to appear in comic book movies, foremost of which is the Black Panther who is expected to appear in Marvel. 

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