Monday Night Raw Results 3/3: WWE Raw Recap Mar. 3 2014 – Daniel Bryan Ended The Night Lying Down On The Ring; CM Punk Disappointed Chicago With No-Show

Monday Night Raw Results 3/3: WWE Raw Recap Mar. 3 2014: The show was live in Chicago City - CM Punk Territory - and his promo sounded to start the show. But into the audience's disappointment, Paul Heyman went out instead of Punk.

Heyman sat inside the ring CM Punk style and discussed how he wasn't wanted in the WWE, announced that Punk wasn't going to go out that evening while fans continuously chanted "CM Punk" all throughout the speech.

Brock Lesnar went out talking about the Undertaker attack he experienced last week and continued to say that he would end Taker's Wrestlemania streak. Then, Mark Henry came out and both guys exchanged blows and threw each other everywhere around the ring. Lesnar finally got Henry into a lock and into an F5 and drove him through the announcers' table until they went backstage. Fans still cheered for CM Punk.

The first match for the evening was New Age Outlaws placed their Tag Team Championship Titles on the line but failed to defend it against The Usos making the Usos the new Tag Team Champions.

Big E and Cesaro went on next for a match. The two exchanged blows until Jack Swagger came from the back and hit a Swagger Bomb on Big E. The referee saw the interference and called the match in favor of Big E via disqualification.

The Wyatt Family and The Shield went on a six-man tag match right after the Big E and Cesaro match. Chants of "This is Awesome" were heard almost the entire match before the match even started until it ended.

The Usos eventually lost the match when Seth Rollins left his partners at ringside in the end. He had been trying to tag both Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose, but they continually were preoccupied outside the ring. Rollins yells at Reigns that he is sick of being the glue and keeping the peace and tells him to work things out with Ambrose.

The match basically ended after Bray Wyatt got Dean Ambrose into a Sister Abigail and won the match for the Wyatt Family.

Batista was greeted with loud boos as he went on a promo after the Wyatts won. He was interviewed by Renee about his match against Daniel Bryan later that night and said that he couldn't believe how a "regular guy" like him could turn into a superhero and there was no chance of Bryan beating him.

After that, it was announced by Michael Cole that on WWE Main Event Live there will be a rematch for the Tag Team Title between the newly crowned Usos against the New Age Outlaws.

Santino and Emma won against Fandango and Summer Rae on the next match followed by another Christian and Sheamus bout where Sheamus won after giving Christian a Brogue Kick.

Daniel Bryan went out in preparation for would've been his match against Batista but he called out Triple H and challenged him for Wrestlemania. Triple H came out with Stephanie and they were greeted by boos every single time they opened their mouths to speak. Triple H then called Bryan a B+ wrestler and refuses to face him on Wrestlemania. The two eventually wanted Bryan out of "their" ring  but bring told it wasn't their ring it was the fans'. Stephanie called out Kane to escort Bryan out of the ring and when he went out, Bryan attacked Kane and exchanged blows until the commercial went on.

Dolph Ziggler won the next match to impress his special guest, Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul on his side after he defeated Alberto Del Rio.

It was then announced that Paul Bearer was the next inductee for the Hall of Fame.

Main event was Daniel Bryan and Batista. Batista came out the ring and was greeted with loud boos from the crowd. Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and Kane make their way down to the ring as Bryan gains control. Randy Orton eventually interfered in the match and attacked Daniel Bryan to cause a DQ. He sets up for an RKO on Batista, but he shoves Orton into Bryan's Knee Plus. Bryan takes out Kane on the apron, but Batista spears him.

Triple H gets on the microphone and says he is tired of Bryan's "fantasy crap," but Bryan kicks him in the head. Batista hits him with the Batista Bomb, and Triple H Pedigrees him. The Authority stands over Bryan as the show goes off the air.

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