Apple Vs. Samsung: Korean Tech Giant To Pay $930M To Cupertino Manufacturer, Sales Ban For Galaxy Devices Not Granted By Court

Apple vs. Samsung: A couple of months ago, we all thought the legal war between Apple and Samsung would finally end in peace after reports said that both companies are undergoing an arbitration procedure. 

Well, apparently, that may not be the case as a new report confirms that Apple has won the war, at least in the US. 

According to a report by GSM Arena, judge Koh has awarded Apple with $930 million in damages, of course coming from Samsung. 

The large-scale patent lawsuit first began in 2012 where Apple was awarded $1.05 billion. The Korean manufacturer filed an appeal due to discrepancies in the numbers the jury awarded to the Cupertino company. So after two years, the damages was reduced to 'only' $929.8 million. 

On the other hand, Apple still wanted to ban Samsung products which infringe its patents, but the judge did not grant the request. 

But after all of that, it looks like Apple is not done yet as it files another suit against Samsung, now adding more devices to the picture. 

We sure hope this series of lawsuits come to an end. 

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