FIFA World Cup Brazil Video Game Preview – What Consoles You Can Use To Play The Newest Football Game?

The preparations for the upcoming 2014 FIFA World Cup are a bit slow with stadiums in the Sao Paulo, the host for the opening ceremony, and Curitiba yet to be completed. FIFA Secretary-general Jerome Valcke has expressed his disappointment over the slow progress of works. Still, he is confident that organizers in Brazil will be able to pull off a grand and successful World Cup.

As a fan, the uncertainty can make you feel uncomfortable. Well, all you need to do is trust because there's no way that FIFA would allow the whole world to be disappointed. What you can do is keep calm and wait for April, the month that the newest and highly anticipated 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil video game will be released. Go deeper into the every FIFA World Cup matches with this game developed by EA Canada and published EA Sports.

"Nothing we do is throwaway," says line producer Matt Prior as reported by UK's the Guardian. He assures that what gamers will get are top-of-the-line actions, graphics, and quality.

"It'll all roll into future iterations."

The Guardian wrote:

On the field of play, some of these improvements are animation based - attackers cleverly adjusting their feet to caress airborne passes delivered behind them in a single movement, defenders clambering on and over forwards to head balls clear - while others concern AI. Back fours are noticeably more compact, no longer offering oceans of space for wingers to cut into, and players both accelerate and decelerate with more verve than in previous outings.

"We wanted players who reacted more explosively to your controller inputs," explains Prior.

However, there's one problem with the game. If your gaming console is not a PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, you might not get your hands on it.

Prior confirmed that the game will not be available for consoles mentioned above.

"We have a certain amount of development resources we can put towards the game, and we ultimately want to get it to as many people as we possibly can," he says.

"Right now, that means Xbox 360 and PS3 only. The reach of those consoles is currently greater than that of the PS4 and Xbox One, particularly in Latin America - and to have alienated the host nation wouldn't have been good.

fifa world cup 2014
Video Game
xbox 360
playstation 3
EA sports
